Thursday, October 14, 2010


We thank God because as of 2 weeks ago, we are now car owners! No more public transportation for us. Well, of course we use taxis here and there but it feels different when you do it by choice rather than by force. So far it has been a huge blessing and we are just so thankful to God every time we use it.

It’s a toyota corolla and a bit old but it’s mechanically sound and the fuel consumption is low. That’s a bonus because fuel here is ridiculously expensive. I don’t know what fuel prices are like now in the US but if I’ve done the math right, here we are paying the equivalent of $5.50 per gallon. Hence, we use the car sparingly – only for the biggest needs. Anyways, it is God who provided the car and I know he will give us the means to maintain it.

Back in June our church held crusades in the surrounding areas and on the night we attended, the speaker concluded with a powerful prayer session. It was a time of presenting our biggest and most pressing needs to God and believing in faith that he would do something about them. Many people prayed about finding spouses, others about financial breakthrough, and others prayed for physical healing. I prayed for financial breakthrough and specifically for a car. In the midst of praying I felt the Spirit leading me to pray for a car within a 3 month time frame, which to me sounded impossible, but anyways, that’s faith. It really stretched me because we had absolutely no money in savings for a car. You can imagine how crazy it felt praying for God to provide a car in three months when you have no extra are starting from zero.

However, God is truly faithful and can do anything. By the end of September we had all the money we needed for the car and purchased it on October 1st. Also, since the crusade we have gained various jobs here and there which have given us the financial breakthrough we needed and are now providing the weekly income we need for fuel. That is why I can honestly and confidently say that it is God who provided it.

We needed the car so much for many reasons like general convenience in getting around Kampala, transporting the cello wherever we need to take it, etc. However there is a bigger reason that some of you know about already but others may not know. I guess it’s time to make it public since people here are figuring it out...I’m pregnant! Wow, it feels really wierd writing this on a blog...we’ve been keeping it secret here for about as long as we could. That’s kind of how people are’s not something they usually discuss openly. They have indirect ways of talking about it which is quite different from home where people just ask, “Are you pregnant?”.

We’ll give you an official due date soon but I’m about 20 weeks/5 months along. We’ll find out the gender on the day of birth...more exciting that way! We are so excited and experiencing a lot of new things as we go through this for the first time. Please keep us in your prayers as we need them so much.

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